3/6's rugby players.
i'm aching all over right now!
especially my arms, legs and stomach.
it hurts just moving abit.
my stomach hurts when i laugh.
and laughing is one thing i can't live w/o.
rugby yesterday.
how'd i wish i could have gone home halfway.
it was such a waste of time.
so much of fightings and injuries.
already, my ankle was sprained.
still, i played.
presty fell on that same ankle.
several times i repeated;
"belle, my ankle!"
she didnt hear.
she still continued resting on my ankle
while talking to the ref.
tackling bow was one big challenge.
i just had to pull her down from behind.
she ended up landing on my stomach.
exactly the spot where my op was.
felt a really sharp pain that i couldn't take.
just sat there, holding onto the spot
and crying out loud.
the best part was.
we had no reserves cos;
more than half a class
decided not to turn up.
i didnt play for one round.
was dying to get back
although it was still hurting badly.
donn refused to let me in.
the ref refused to let me in during half time.
so went in the next round.
by the end of the matches
with every single class.
my class tshirt expanded.
all thanks to those who were pulling my shirt.
rough matches.
some strangled, some scratched,
some pulled, some punched..
but somehow, i did enjoy myself a lil.
it was finally over.
couldnt wait to get back to class,
grab my stuffs and to the toilet, to bathe.
although it hardly rained
and the field was not muddy and disgusting,
we were all still really dirty! eww.
after the good bath.
watched dott do the jigsaw
i gave her for her birthday.
she's really good in jigsaws!

this was how it turned out to be!
while slacking in the class
waiting for 1.50 to arrive
so that we'll can go home,
sheila and i started playing
some wastepaper basketball game.
one full magazine
a handful of a hundred over pages
was being torn by beaa one by one.
dustbin was far away from us.
started having some competition
to see who gets more paper into the dustbin.
after throwing more than a hundred.
i got ten in, so did sheila!
this only goes to show that;
both our skills are about the same.
1.50 finally.
rushed home.
had another good bath
before heading out to meet dawn.
left for northpoint, swensens
to meet eeching and dott.
met lesley then it was off to occ.
had a good time at occ.
although i didnt really know how to play taidee.
so just sat there and watched.
guessed i knew abit just from watching.
also, watched them playing mahjong.
jen and carrie joined us much later.
for dinner.
had pizzahut.
dott ordered and paid, as usual.
watched the champions all.
the rest left at about tweleve.
was only left with me, lesley and dott.
the three of us were gonna stay over.
anyway. took cabb to northpoint.
was almost halfdead already.
was dead tired.
guess was due to rugby?
seven eleven.
bought coffeee.
to wake me up a lil.
lesley got her toothbrush.
before cabbing back to occ.
three beds in total.
lesley had one, dott had one, and i had one.
i had the biggest bed though.
woke up early in the morning,
around six something to seven
cos some alarm went on.
it was annoying the hell out of me.
woke up and found out it was just beside me.
switched it off.
went back to sleep.
woke up at ten plus.
dott and lesley just woke up too.
realised my arms were aching like HELL.
not that its not aching anymore.
it is still aching very badly.
thats about it.
hoped you'd funn DOTT.
cos i did.
and.. dont worry.
i'll keep it to myself.
i am nothin but a loser.
thats what i am.. A LOSER.
i'm tired.
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